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Owing to numerous queries and occasional complaints mostly from City customers, Subicwater’s Board of Directors initiated the following reforms pertaining to documentary requirements on service connection applications:

Applicants are now classified into three (3), namely:

“Other than the Owner” or “ Acting on Behalf of the Owner”


Documents needed to support service connection applications are as shown in the flowchart depending on the classification of the applicant.

If an applicant is the owner, then all he or she has to submit are the following usual documents: a duly accomplished service application, any proof of ownership of the property and the required regular deposit.

However, in instances where the owner is not the one personally transacting for an application for a service connection, as in the case of an authorized representative or tenant, the documentary requirements vary.

If the applicant is only acting on behalf of the owner he or she has to submit additional documents depending on whether or not he or she agrees to be responsible for the water bills. If the owner is responsible for the bills, a Power of Attorney in addition to the usual documents will be required. Otherwise, a Residence Authorization, a form of which is available at the Subicwater’s Customer Care offices has to be accomplished and an additional security deposit is to be paid. This is simply a document to be signed by the owner and applicant that attests that indeed the applicant is the present occupant of the property either by virtue of a valid tenancy agreement or just by mere consent or tolerance. It further certifies that the applicant is solely responsible for the utilities.

If the applicant is a tenant, additional documents need to be submitted depending on whether or not the owner agrees to be responsible for the utilities. If the owner is responsible for these, the tenant-applicant has to submit a copy of the Rental Agreement in addition to the usual documentary requirements and a duly signed Joint Liability/Owner Security Agreement, forms of which are also available at the Subicwater Customer Care offices. Otherwise, the tenant applicant has to make an additional security deposit.

With the documentary requirements now more defined and clearly enumerated for each type of applicant, it is expected that a less significant number of queries and complaints, if none at all, will be conveyed and entertained. At the same time it protects Subicwater from customers who try to gain a connection without intending to pay for the service.

This is but a part of our continuous commitment to improve our level of service in the entire community that we serve.

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