Violation is any infringement of utility rules or tampering of the service connection or any of its parts. This includes :

Unauthorized/Unregistered Water Service Connection - refers to the water connection tapped to a water line or the water utility without an approved application. This also includes unathorized/unregistered additional water service tapped to an existing water connection.

Unauthorized Water Main Extension - refers to an extension or tapping of any secondary/tertiary distribution line to the water mainline of the water utility without approved application/authority.

By-Pass Connection/Double Connection - connection not duly registered with Subicwater; a service tapped before the water meter from the mains and/or an unmetered service to a separate property of dwelling unit connected to an authorized, recorded service line to another customer.

Meter Tampering - any form of tampering that adversely affects the accuracy of a meter.

Selling Water - refers to customer of the water utility who sell water without authority from the utility company.

Other types of violations stated in the Republic Act No. 8041 otherwise known as Water Crisis Act of 1995

Tampering of Gate Valve/Service Cock/Meter Seal/Meter Protector
Unauthorized Advanced Use of Stub-Puts
Illegal Change of Size of Service Pipe
Illegal Change of Pipe
Illegal Transfer of Tapping Location

The Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA No. 8041, otherwise known as the Water Crisis Act of 1995, give guidance for procedures and penalties to be applied for illegal use, tampering or damage to services. Subicwater will use the Water Crisis Act for guidance and will seek to recover the actual costs and/or loss of revenue plus 200% in all such cases.


Service line disconnection may be made due to non-payment of water bills or non-settlement of violation penalties. It the first case, disconnection may be made if the monthly bill is not paid within two months from date of billing.

In case of violation, Subicwater sends two notices inviting the customer to settle the case. If the customer does not respond two days after the second and final notice, the water meter is pulled out and the service line plugged. However, there are cases wherein illegal/unlawful acts are subjected to immediate closure of the service line.

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