Water meters are read monthly by our meter readers on scheduled dates. Individual meter readings are then encoded to their corresponding assigned account numbers. The amount of water consumed is derived by deducting the previous reading (last month) from the current reading.
Your monthly bill is computed based on our schedule of water rates according to the amount of water consumed.
The resulting amount is printed on your water bill as the amount due, along with your arrears (any unpaid amount last month) and other charges, if any. Other charges include balance on material cost, meter deposit, reconnection fees and additional billings. Whenever possible, all accounts are read within the billing period. If meter reading is not possible, the amount is automatically billed based on average consumption.
Your water bill automatically given once our meter reader has read your consumption. This is done through our new read-and-bill system which we recently acquired. You have twenty (20) days from the date of billing to pay the bill (this appears in the due date column of your water bill), otherwise, your water bill will be subjected to a 2% penalty.
Average billing is based on the following:
of average usage or consumption pattern
number of persons using the service line
However, if your water meter will have its actual reading the following month, the average consumption applied last month will be automatically deducted from the actual consumption for the current month.
If your water meter is replaced for any reason, average billing is automatically applied based on the following:
number of days usage (reading is based from the date of installation of
the new
- history of average usage or consumption pattern
Estimated billing is only applied to a few SBMA accounts (those without water meter). Estimated billing is computed based on the occupied building area and the predetermined consumption rates per square meter.
Billing Adjustments
It refers to adjustments applied to contested water bills. This action is undertaken only after a thorough evaluation of records and fully supported by valid documents.
Advance Payments
Customers can make advance payments which will be applied to future or succeeding billings.
Copyright (c) 2007. Subic Water & Sewerage Co. Inc.