Apart from our responsibility to our customers, comes also our responsibility to our shareholders particularly on the efficiency of our revenue collection.
As a self-sustaining organization, we drive our goals towards the high roads of success and make sure that our engines of movement are well-fuelled, fired up to shift into high gear and continually improving to reach newer heights.
Establishment of payment centers through reputable banks based in the City and the Freeport augurs well to our objective of putting up easy payment access to improve our collection efficiency. To date, our payment centers are gaining grounds and our customers begin to appreciate it.
Acquisition of new meter reading devices and new collection and billing
systems complemented the establishment of payment centers. Our read-and-bill
policy is another by-product of our creative innovations to ensure that
turn-around time for meter reading, billing and delivery is done effectively
and with greater accuracy.
Copyright (c) 2007. Subic Water & Sewerage Co. Inc.